This is one of two shelves that we have had for almost 4 years and I don't know what I would do with out them. They were handmade by my husbands talented grandpa. (Thank you Grandpa Bodily!) Charlie has been very interested in the contents of the top shelves, so I had to cover them up to keep him out of them.
What I did first was move all of Charlie's toys down to the lower level of the book shelves and I put them into these toy boxes that I made a few months ago. I used diaper and wipe boxes to make these instead of paying a ton of money for storage containers.
I took a card board box, measured and cut out to fit the opening in the shelving then put material on it. Just like I did for my TV stand here. After it was all finished I decided it looked to plain, so I added a few fabric flowers.
Thank you for reading!